Celebrate good times, come on!
Celebrate good times, come on!
There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration that'll last throughout the year
Shall bring you good times, and good laughter too
We're gonna celebrate your party with you
Come on now
Celebration - we're gonna celebrate and have a good time

Celebration -We're gonna celebrate and have a good time, celebration - we're gonna celebrate and have a good time
It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure
Everyone around the world Come on!!
It's a celebration! It's a celebration!
Celebrate good times, come on!
Celebrate good times, come on!
(Julia is the one in the center, with "76" on her shirt)
On Tuesday evening, January 5th, I perched close to the TV to watch the halftime show at the Orange Bowl. Why? Not because I'm a football fan, but because my granddaughter, Julia, was dancing with about 900 others in a circle around Kool and the Gang. Despite the numbers on the field, I had hopes of being able to single her out.
A silly thought, I know, but we grandmothers often are beyond hopeful in our thinking. Especially when it comes to our dear grands. Maybe because it's one of the least complicated relationships in the universe. They are. We love. So simple.
As I sat there, watching the joyous movement, I realized how apropos the song was for the moment. "Celebration" is one of those songs woven into the fabric of my life, so much so that I was sure I had danced to it in the '60's. Apparently not. When I headed to Google, I found this iconic song came out in the '80's, although Kool and the Gang had been around since the late '60's.
Still, what could be more natural in the evolution of life than to see Julia dancing to the song that I'd been dancing to with wild abandonment for close to thirty years? Knowing the child of my child was dancing to "Celebration" with Kool and the Gang live exemplified the continuity of life and perhaps, little hint of immortality for me.
I had hoped she was savoring the moment even more than I was watching it. When I received the picture above, I could see her pleasure in moving to the beat and that was only the rehearsal. Later, my daughter told me the swirl of dancers around the stage was supposed to signify a record spinning. It went far beyond an inanimate object such as that. It was so much more alive and electric.
To Julia, and to all who may read this post, my wishes for your continued "Celebration" of life.
lyrics can be found at http://www.songlyrics.com/.