I always find this a time for reflection and kind of cleaning up loose ends before the New Year begins. It's a pause. There's nowhere I have to be - no meetings, no commitments. This brief interlude affords me time to squirrel in and do whatever I've been avoiding or not had time to do.
So, today, I decided to edit my Picasa file. For some reason, I've copied pictures in several different files, so I have duplicates and photos in all the wrong places - twice. Does anyone out there have a neat way to file all these images? If you do, shout it out.
Of course, looking at all these photos soon turned into its own occupation: reminiscing about all the good times and the moments when I may have lost my cool on one of those trips. I'll have to add "patience" to my New Year's Resolutions this year. After several hours, I was pleased to note I only had two more files to go. I'll do them later. I'll have to add "eliminate procrastination" to that New Year's list.
Needing a break from all this, I opted for a snack of Brie, crackers, apples, wine, and a dish of cashews, just a small dish. I'll have to add "lost five pounds" to that, you guessed it, my New Year's Resolutions.

Now, I'm back to my computer determined to write another post. This whole blogging thing is new to me. How do you find topics for yours? If you have any thoughts, let me know. And again, I better add "commit to a blog a day or at least three a week so I can get the hang of this" to that lengthening list of goals.
Part of my problem is I'm not sure of what theme my blog should have. I see other blogs. I view them all with admiration. There's blogs on the '50's - I use them to do a reminiscing program for seniors. There's cooking and baking blogs - I go there for recipes whenever I want to try something new, which is often. And of course, there's political blogs - I go there when I'm bored or want to learn more about what other people think. Sewing blogs, too, where I can check out quilt design, colors, and other things. I definitely must add "decide what you want to be, at least on your blog" to that Resolution list.
All of this brings me to a question: How many of you are Resolution junkies like me? Stay tuned for my next blog. It definitely will include some pointers on how to make New Year's Resolutions. Every journey (change) begins with the first step.

Love your Rodin statue, and enjoyed the thoughts in this