In my last blog, I spoke about publishing my novel,
Bellehaven, and reaching the final step in the process: marketing. Richard Morgan, a member of our Long Beach Island
writers group and a wonderful poet, shared some great advice, telling me, “Just have fun with it.”

So, now I’m embracing the challenge, learning all I can about social media, publicity and stepping up to any potential opportunity. Initially, however, I had some trepidation about doing the all-important author presentation.
Although I’d done a lot of public speaking in my career, this was different. Speaking about my book seemed, well, more personal. Still my desire to share my story with readers gave me the impetus to do so.
So, I forged ahead and learned some valuable lessons from my initial appearances.
Here's my five tips toward a successful author presentation:
1. Develop a theme in your talk, one that draws in the audience.
2. Don’t read long passages, intersperse short excerpts through your presentation.
3. Practice before a friend or family member, one who
will give you an honest critique.
4. Take note cards with keywords of what you want to say.
5. Keep it short enough to hold their interest. Twenty to twenty-five minutes is good.
Face your fears of
public speaking. There’s nothing wrong with a little stage fright! It will keep
you on your toes. And if all else fails, express your fear in writing. If
you’re like me, you find that a very therapeutic approach.
Here’s a poem I’d like to share with you that describes my initial feelings before doing my first author talk.
Here’s a poem I’d like to share with you that describes my initial feelings before doing my first author talk.
Battle Ready
The morning comes quickly.
Like mercury, the hours slip by.
I dress for battle, for the test
Of my strength.
I’m ready. I’ve rehearsed
Until my strategy is
Cemented squarely into the
Psyche of my soul.
The time has come. I clothe
Myself in a façade of calm
Myself in a façade of calm
To go forth and show
The mettle I hope is within.
Battle ready, I lift my chin,
Square my shoulders,
Paint a smile upon my face
And step up to the podium.
And yes, I am finding it’s fun although it takes energy, planning
and courage, too. I’ve found real joy in sharing my book with others.
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