On my way from our Florida home to our summer hangout
in New Jersey, Kim Trotto, a member of my writers group invited me to
participate in this Writers’ Blog Tour. It sounded like too much fun to
decline. So, suitcase yet unpacked, here I am.
The Writers’ Blog Tour is sort of a chain letter of
writers all answering the same four questions. It’s a great opportunity to
share about why we write and how. I’ll be passing the tour on to Doris Meredith
and Karen Kelly Boyce. You can read more about them below. So here are my
answers to the four questions.
1) What
am I working on?
Right now I’ve written the beginning
of a mystery about a traveling nurse. I’ve also started a relationship story
about a woman in her early sixties who realizes her life needs changing. I’m
also considering writing a sequel to my first novel, Bellehaven, an idea that I initially rejected but after so many readers
asked me for a follow up novel with the characters they said they loved, I’m
considering it.
2) How
does my work differ from others of its genre?
When I write, I try to leave out the
parts of a novel that many readers, including me, skim read “to get to the good
stuff.” I avoid filler as much as I can. I also incorporate my life experience
working with older individuals in a way that I believe is unique and speaks to
the value of all people. My novels are character rather than plot driven.
3) Why
do I write what I do?
Much of what I write, though fiction,
comes out of my life experience in elder care. I learned so much from those I
cared for as a nurse, nursing home administrator and consultant. I want to help
others understand the life process, but in an entertaining way, if possible. It’s
important to me that my characters reflect their life history and are drawn as
completely and multilayered as possible, even though they are fictional people.
4) How
does my writing process work?
I like to write spontaneously when I
first begin a story and just let it unfold, though I must admit I do have a
loose outline of how the story will go. Then I put it aside for several days.
While I’m letting it ‘rest,” I find I am still writing in my head, working out
what I may change or what the next scene or chapter will contain. Once I have
the rough story or novel written out, I review with what I like to think is an
analytical eye to see what is missing, out of place or unnecessary. I would
like to say I write every day but while I don’t do actual physical writing, I
am always writing in my mind. Sometimes, while driving, I pull over to jot down an idea or scene I visualize.
Fortunately, whether we’re on our island home in New Jersey or Florida, the
traffic is not thick enough to get in the way!
Now it’s time to introduce our next two
bloggers. Be sure to check them out next
Tuesday, May 13, to read about their writing.

http://highwatermysteries.wordpress.com , is a split personality: a suburban wife until all the chores are done and the errands run, then she locks herself in her office and commits murder. As her second personality she has written three different mystery series, multiple short stories, and a historical series as a chance of pace. She has twice been a finalist for the Anthony Award for Best Paperback Original. She reviews books in her spare time.

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